Monday 20 June 2011

So This is a Blog

     For years I have listened to people speak of their blogs, I have seen them post them, I have been taunted, tempted and tantalised in read them, I am fairly sure thoughts of me have even been included in them.  So today I start my own.
     My name is Lily (Pretty Bird) Claire and I am the lead singer, guitar player and songwriter of a band called "Lilac Affair" or sometimes "The Lilac Affair" I'm not which we are yet... I am also a solo artist, which was never my intent but is something I've been thrown into.  Currently our band seems to rest in limbo as we've alternated Bass Players and I though about leaving a sign around town saying "Has anyone seen Chris Giles?" but I think no communication is his graceful way of stepping out.
     It's not easy being a band in the East Coast of Canada, especially if your sound is a little different.  It also seems to me that being a female front man may some times affect the socio-politics of getting gigs, and getting paid properly after gigs.  Not to mention putting up with random skeeze buckets who slather all over you unrelentingly, or who just generally think that because you are 1.) a chick & 2.) in a band that, this is license for a game of grab ass.  Fuck you, just because I'm tiny blond and angelic looking this does not mean I want you to touch me or that I won't kick you in the nads if you do, so the moral here is don't touch me.